Highlight is an utility that converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting.
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
Download (HTTP): http://www.andre-simon.de/zip/highlight-4.15.tar.bz2
Download MD5 sum: fd16041ffc8945ef6c4c07dbf83c541c
Download size: 1.4 MB
Estimated disk space required: 25 MB (with gui)
Estimated build time: 0.3 SBU (Using parallelism=4; with gui)
Qt-6.8.3 (to build the GUI front-end)
For consistency, do not compress man pages.
sed -i '/GZIP/s/^/#/' makefile
To build Highlight run the following command:
To build the qt6 GUI front-end, run the following command:
make doc_dir=/usr/share/doc/highlight-4.15/ gui
This package does not come with a test suite.
To install Highlight, run the
following command as the root
make doc_dir=/usr/share/doc/highlight-4.15/ install
To install the GUI program, run the following command as the
make install-gui
installs the highlight documentation into a versioned directory.
This parameter is also needed for make gui, because its value would
be hardcoded into the gui executable. Note that the trailing
“/” is