
Introduction to gdbm

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Version used:                   1.8.3
Package size:                   228 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  1.7 MB

The gdbm package contains a dbm library. This is useful for database routines that use extendible hashing.

Installation of gdbm

Install gdbm by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man &&
make &&
make BINOWN=root BINGRP=root install

In addition, you may need to install the compatibility headers for gdbm. Apache 1.3, for example, will need these headers. Install the compatibility headers by running the following command:

make BINOWN=root BINGRP=root install-compat

Command explanations

--infoprefix=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man : These switches set the documentation directory to /usr/share instead of /usr.

BINOWN=root BINGRP=root : This command changes the file ownership to root instead of the bin user.


The gdbm package contains libgdbm libraries.


gdbm libraries

gdbm libraries contain functions that perform database routines using extendible hashing.