
Introduction to audiofile

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Version used:                   0.2.3
Package size:                   332 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  17 MB
Estimated build time:           0.47 SBU

The audiofile package contains the audiofile libraries and two sound file support programs. These are useful to support basic sound file formats.

Installation of audiofile

Install audiofile by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install


The audiofile package contains libaudiofile libraries, audiofile-config, sfinfo and sfconvert.


audiofile libraries

The audiofile library is used by programs to support AIFF, AIFF-compressed, SUN/NeXT, WAVE and BICS audio formats.


The audiofile-config script is used during the compile process by programs linking to this library.


The sfinfo program displays the sound file format, audio encoding, sampling rate and duration for audio formats supported by this library.


The sfconvert program converts sound file formats where the original format and destination format are supported by this library.