
Introduction to zsh

Download location (HTTP):       http://www.zsh.org/pub/zsh-4.0.6.tar.bz2
Download location (FTP):        ftp://ftp.zsh.org/zsh/zsh-4.0.6.tar.bz2
Version used:                   4.0.6
Package size:                   1.6 MB
Estimated Disk space required:  14 MB
Estimated build time:           2.31 SBU

The zsh package contains the zsh shell. zsh is a command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements.

Installation of zsh

Install zsh by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install

Configuring zsh

Config files

There are a whole host of configuration files for zsh including /etc/zshenv, /etc/zprofile, /etc/zshrc, /etc/zlogin and /etc/zlogout. You can find more information on these in the zsh(1) and related man pages.


The zsh package contains zsh.



zsh is a shell which has command line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features.