
Introduction to qpopper

Download location (HTTP):       
Download location (FTP):        ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/qpopper4.0.5.tar.gz
Version used:                   4.0.5
Package size:                   2.2 MB
Estimated Disk space required:  9 MB

The qpopper package contains a POP 3 mail server.

qpopper depends on: 
sendmail-8.12.9 or postfix-2.0.7 or qmail-1.03

Installation of qpopper

Install qpopper with the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install

Configuring qpopper

Config files

/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/syslogd.conf

Configuring qpopper

If you use inetd, the following command will add the qpopper entry to /etc/inetd.conf:

echo "pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/popper popper" >> \
/etc/inetd.conf &&
echo "pop 110/tcp" >> /etc/services &&
killall inetd || inetd &&
echo "local0.notice;local0.debug        /var/log/POP.log" >> \
/etc/syslog.conf &&
killall -HUP  syslogd

Issue a killall -HUP inetd to reread the changed inetd.conf file.

If you use xinetd, the following command will add the qpopper entry to /etc/xinetd.conf:

cat >> /etc/xinetd.conf << "EOF"
     service pop
          port        = 110
          socket_type = stream
          protocol    = tcp
          wait        = no
          user        = root
          passenv     = PATH
          server      = /usr/sbin/popper
         server_args = popper

Issue a killall -HUP xinetd to reread the changed xinetd.conf file.


The qpopper package contains qpopper.



popper is the POP 3 server daemon.