
Introduction to WvStreams

The WvStreams package contains the network programming libraries. These are needed to compile wvdial.

Package information

WvStreams dependencies

Installation of WvStreams

Install WvStreams by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../wvstreams-3.70-wvcrypto.patch &&
patch -Np1 -i ../wvstreams-3.70-wvresolver.patch &&
make PREFIX=/usr LDFLAGS="-lcrypt" &&
make PREFIX=/usr install

Command explanations

make PREFIX=/usr LDFLAGS="-lcrypt": This fixes libwvstreams' issues with OpenSSL's crypto library.

Configuring WvStreams

Configuration Information

As with most libraries, there is no configuration to do, save that the library directory i.e. /opt/lib or /usr/local/lib should appear in /etc/ld.so.conf so that ldd can find the shared libraries. After checking that this is the case, /sbin/ldconfig should be run while logged in as root.


The WvStreams package contains the libwvcrypto, libwvstreams and libwvutils libraries.



libwvcrypto defines streams with built-in cryptography.


libwvstreams defines the basic properties of a stream.


libwvutils contains fundamental support utilities.