
Introduction to ProFTPD

The ProFTPD package contains a secure and highly configurable FTP daemon. This is useful for serving large file archives over a network.

Package information

ProFTPD dependencies



Installation of ProFTPD

For security reasons, running ProFTPD as an unprivileged user and group is encouraged.

groupadd proftpd &&
useradd -c proftpd -d /home/ftp -g proftpd -s /bin/false proftpd

Install ProFTPD by running the following commands:

install_user=proftpd install_group=proftpd \
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
   --localstatedir=/var/run &&
make &&
make install 

Command explanations

install_user=proftpd install_group=proftpd: Specify the user and group identity for ProFTPD.

--prefix=/usr: This installs ProFTPD in /usr instead of /usr/local.

--sysconfdir=/etc: This prevents the configuration files from going to /usr/etc.

--localstatedir=/var/run: This uses /var/run instead of /usr/var for lock files.

Configuring ProFTPD

proftpd init.d script

Install /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd init script included in the blfs-bootscripts-5.1 package.

make install-proftpd

Config files


This is a simple, download-only sample configuration. See the ProFTPD documentation in /usr/share/doc/proftpd and consult the website at for example configurations.

cat > /etc/proftpd.conf << "EOF"
# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file
# It establishes a single server and a single anonymous login.

ServerName                      "ProFTPD Default Installation"
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21
# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                           022

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd)
MaxInstances                    30

# Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
User                            proftpd
Group                           proftpd

# Normally, we want files to be overwritable.
<Directory /*>
  AllowOverwrite                on

# A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.
<Anonymous ~proftpd>
  User                          proftpd
  Group                         proftpd
  # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "proftpd"
  UserAlias                     anonymous proftpd

  # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
  MaxClients                    10

  # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
  # in each newly chdired directory.
  DisplayLogin                  welcome.msg
  DisplayFirstChdir             .message

  # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
  <Limit WRITE>


The ProFTPD package contains ftpcount, ftpshut, ftptop, ftpwho and proftpd.



ftpcount shows current number of connections.


ftpshut shuts down all proftpd servers at a given time.


ftptop displays running status on connections.


ftpwho shows current process information for each session.


proftpd is the daemon itself.