
Introduction to kdelibs

This package includes libraries that are central to the development and execution of a KDE program, as well as internationalization files for these libraries, misc HTML documentation, theme modules and regression tests.

Package information

Installation of kdelibs

Install kdelibs with:

patch -Np1 -i ../post-3.2.2-kdelibs-kapplication.patch &&
patch -Np0 -i ../post-3.2.2-kdelibs-ktelnetservice.patch &&
./configure --prefix=$KDE_PREFIX --disable-debug \
    --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-fast-malloc=full --disable-pcre &&
make &&
make install


If you wish to create the API documentation and you have doxygen and graphviz installed, make apidox must be done before make install. This applies to all packages which can utilize doxygen.

Command explanations

--prefix=$KDE_PREFIX : This option tells the process to install the package in $KDE_PREFIX.

--disable-debug : This option causes the system to be compiled without debugging code.

--disable-dependency-tracking : This option speeds up one time builds.

--enable-fast-malloc=full : This option tells KDE programs to use an internal memory allocation scheme optimized for KDE.

--disable-pcre : Omit this switch if you have PCRE installed and you want improved regular expression support in the KDE JavaScript engine.


kdelibs provides numerous libraries needed by KDE programs.